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Tomás Torres Cebada is Emeritus Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and Associated Senior Scientist of the IMDEA Nanoscience, in Madrid, Spain.


Doctor in Chemistry (1978) by the UAM working in the Institute of General Organic Chemistry of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid (Director: Prof. Francisco Fariña). He carried out postdoctoral stays in the Department of Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy of the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry of Martinsried, Munich, Germany (Prof. Wolfram Schäfer, 1978-1980) as a fellow of the Max-Planck Society, and in the Institute of General Organic Chemistry of the CSIC-Department of Organic Chemistry of the UAM (1980-1981), within the first class of "Reincorporation Fellows". He worked in the Department of Chemical Research of the company Abelló, S.A./ Merck, Sharp and Dohme (1981-1985) in Madrid as Senior Researcher. In 1984 he obtained a position as Associate Professor, and joined the UAM in 1985. In 2000, he became Professor of Organic Chemistry.

He has worked mainly in synthetic organic chemistry in areas ranging from pharmaceutical chemistry to the development of new organic materials. Since 1990 he has leading a research group that develops work in different aspects of synthetic and supramolecular chemistry. His research has focused mainly on the preparation of molecular materials based on phthalocyanines and on the study of their properties for applications in organic solar cells and photodynamic therapy of cancer and atherosclerosis. He currently leading a Research Group consisting of thirty people. The nature of his research has allowed him to establish ties with the national and international industrial environment, through R&D projects with several companies (Kimberly Clark, Glaxo-Wellcome, etc.).


He has also acted (1990-2018) as a counselor and expert in pharmaceutical patents with various pharmaceutical companies such as Beecham, Glaxo-Wellcome, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Bayer, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, Daiichi Pharm., Pfizer, etc. He has issued more than 50 reports on intellectual property for these companies. He has published more than 620 articles and reviews and 49 patents (30 licensed), has directed 63 doctoral theses (plus other 8 in progress) and has participated as a principal researcher in more than fifty projects funded by public bodies (CICYT, Comunidad de Madrid and European Union). He occupies the 5th place among the most cited Spanish chemists (ISI), has an h-index of 96 and over 34,500 citations (October 2024, Scopus).

He has been co-founder (2008), and is a partner of "NanoInnova Technologies", a spin-off company of the UAM, located in the Madrid Scientific Park, dedicated to the design, development and commercialization of instrumentation and nanostructured surfaces. This company has received the prizes: "VI University Entrepreneur Award", 3M & CIADE Foundation Award 2008 for the best project in Science and Technology, and Madri+d 2008 Award in its sixth edition for the Best Scientific-Technological Business Idea.

He has held various positions of responsibility in the field of teaching and research. He has been Director (2000-2010) of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the UAM and of the Institute for Advanced Research in Chemial Sciences (IAdChem, 2016-2022). He has coordinated three European projects and has been the representative of Spain in the Management Committee of the COST 518 Action of the EU (1997-2001). He has been a member of the Steering Committee of the Madrid Science Park (2002-2004), its Scientific Advisory Board (2006-2012), and its Advisory Board (2013-2016). He has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Nanotechnology and Molecular Design of the Madrid Science Park (2003-2004) and Member of the Committee for the Creation of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Madrid designated by the MEC (2004-2005). He has been also  coordinator of the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at UAM (2007-2022) and tutor of the International Collaboration Agreement between the UAM and the Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (ISUCT) of Russia (1998-2022).

He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (John Wiley and Sons) (1997-2006) and is an Associated Editor of the same journal since 2006. Torres belongs to the Editorial Board of Chemical Society Reviews (RSC, United Kingdom), 2015-) and is a member of the International Advisory Board of Chemical Communications (RSC, UK, 2012-), among other journals He is a member of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (Germany), the American Chemical Society (USA), the Electrochemical Society (USA), and the Royal Society of Chemistry of Spain.


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